Meet The Team – Tobias & Gez Divall
Tobias and Gez are both members of our warehouse team. They have a multitude of responsibilities including ensuring samples and product are sent out to our UK and global customers.
Firstly how is it working with your brother?
We both say exactly the same thing about working with each other it’s just easy and works as we get on. We have definitely both been raised with a strong work ethic which helps.
Name: Tobias Divall
Job role: Warehouse Manager
Time at Newmor: 9 years
Any family past or present work at Newmor/Morland: Gez- brother(Newmor) Warren Roberts- cousin(Morland)
I am not going to name one film as you can’t pick one favourite right! And I could name so many as I love watching films probably more than series. Karate Kid, Dune, Gladiator, Dark Night Trilogy, Superbad, The Patriot, Schindler’s List and Last Of The Mohicans. These are just a few! Majority of these films Hans Zimmer has done the film score, I’ve seen it live and would recommend it to anyone.
Maverick Sabre- When I Wake Up
Maverick Sabre doesn’t get the credit he deserves unbelievable voice. This is one of them albums where every song is good very rare to come across. Also it probably helps he released this album near the time I went to see him live. What made it even better the gig was held in a cathedral and yes you were still allowed to drink in there!
Anything to do with fitness!
I love going to gym and I am particularly interested in bodybuilding. Not just your classic love island guys with a few abs but professional bodybuilding, yes watching men on stage pose haha! The gym is also a massive stress reliever for me, and I believe helps with mental health. I never leave the gym feeling worse.
Name: Gez Divall
Job role: Warehouse Operative
Time at Newmor: 10 years
Any family past or present work at Newmor/Morland: Brother, cousin Warren Roberts
My favourite hobby would probably be the gym, I am also a big fan of watching documentaries and horrors. I am a big sneaker head aswell love buying trainers I have done since I was a kid.
My top 3 albums would be plan b – defimation of Strickland banks, jake bugg , Gerry cinnamon- erractic cinematic. I’m also though a big fan of drum & bass, house, techno, grime I’ve been to a lot of dance festivals. So, my genre of music is a very mix and match.
My favorite largers would have to be stella and morretti, I also love cocktails, sipping on a pina colada on the beach happy days!
Congratulations Gez on the birth of your first child Lyla!